Saturday 31 July 2010

Does Provillus Hair Loss Treatment Really Work?

Having a beautiful head of hair throughout one’s life and suddenly have bald spots appear is a terrible experience for anyone. Many try to cover up this loss with wigs or toupees, which only makes it worse. How much better to find something that could be ingested or applied externally to eliminate this problem. In trying to find a solution, one should check out the Provillus hair loss treatment Review.

When checking out this review one will find testimonials from people who have had experience with the product. Further investigation will show that there is a pill as well as a topical solution. These products contain Saw Palmeto, vitamins and other natural ingredients. The topical solution has been found to be especially helpful when one has an itching or flaking scalp.

The growth of the human hair is strange and varies from person to person. Some will have thick, quick growing hair from a very young age while others will be thin and seem slow to grow. This can be hereditary or affected by the conditions in which a person grows up. A person undergoing stress will sometimes find their hair seems to be thinning. In reading scientific literature, one will find the blame that medical science traces it to hormonal problems.

Over the years thousands and thousands of hair follicles are replaced by new growth. This is a natural process is similar to shedding one’s skin which takes place daily. The body is built to replace external things like hair, skin and nails as they wear out. Seeing hair on a hairbrush or on one’s clothing should not be a cause for alarm unless it is not being replaced on a regular basis.

The manufacturers of this product, recognizing the different types of hormones in men and women, have developed two different products. The one designed for men should never be used by a woman. The difference in hormones in the two bodies is not compatible with the special formulas for each.

Studying the hair, its construction and the way it replaces itself is fascinating. The hair follicle, which is a strand of hair, is supported by a sebaceous gland. This special arrangement provides an oily base to encourage the follicle to grow. This base needs vitamins and other supplements from the body in order to continue to provide this support.

There are not many businesses today who guarantee their product one hundred per cent. This company provides this guarantee with no questions asked. Anyone who is not satisfied with the results of using their merchandise has their money refunded upon request.

As with any ingested product one must be sure that it does not counteract with other things being taken. This is true of herbal medicine and prescription drugs. Natural, herbal drugs are, as a rule, are easily absorbed by the body which makes them able to produce results very quickly. For this reason one should check to be sure they do not counteract with other products that are being taken on a regular basis.

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