Monday 9 August 2010

Hair Loss in Women

Our culture has a certain standard of beauty and that definitely includes a woman having hair. There is a reason for women to panic when they find their hair is clogging the shower drain. can ruin a woman’s self esteem which can result in other psychological problems.

Hair loss is widely accepted as a man’s problem and it is quite common to see bald men. However, is just as common, but it is more devastating for the individual when it does happen. The psychological impact of is much greater because many women see their hair as the main part of their beauty and take great pride in their appearance. However, this problem does not usually result in total hairloss as it does in men.

Here are some causes of hair loss in women which can help you identify the possible cause and decide whether to just wait for the hair to regrow, or if it is a more serious reason, get professional advice and take appropriate action:

#1. is often connected to pregnancy. Three to six months after delivering a child, many women notice a degree of hair loss as the hair goes into a resting phase because of the physiological impact of the pregnancy on the body.

#2. A woman’s body can also be greatly affected by intensive diets and losing a lot of weight in a short period of time.

#3. Severe illnesses and infections can put great stress on the body thus triggering the hair into a resting phase which result hair shedding. Often the body recovers naturally within 3 to 9 months and the hair begins to regrow until it almost resembles its original condition.

#4. can be aggravated further by improper use of chemical hair treatments such as dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners, and permanent waves.

#5. The constant pulling of hair with styles such as ponytails and braids can sometimes cause . Avoid pulling the hair tight with these styles.

#6. Rough combing and brushing of the hair and vigorous rubbing with a towel after shampooing can cause it to break, adding further to the problem of . Wide toothed combs and brushes with smooth tips are recommended to minimize hair breakage.

#7. The hair follicles are affected by a byproduct of Testosterone named DHT, Dihydro Testosterone. But the protective effects of female hormones like Estrogen and Progesterone in women prevent baldness in women.

#8. Hair loss occurs mostly in women of menopausal age as the production of female hormones drops losing their guard against hair loss. Proper medical treatment can restore the hormonal imbalance.

Nutritional supplements, herbal hair products and sometimes hormone replacement therapy are effective in arresting female hair loss. Zulvera is a natural remedy for female hair loss.Capsules and for hair revitalization also work well in addition to massaging and Aromatherapy.

However, the good news is there are many woman hair loss treatment and prevention system in the market today. These treatments can often be in the form of a guide, herbal treatment or even hair loss center.

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