Wednesday 11 August 2010

Protect Your Hair from Sun

The sun brings a lot of damage to hair. It is especially fierce now, in the middle of summer when it is the hottest time of the year and everything melts under the strong impact of the sun rays.

However, it is impossible to shut oneself inside completely: mostly people take their vacation time in summer because they want to be outside: travel to interesting places, hike, swim in the ocean, or do any other activity alike. Other people love gardening, having various activities with their children, doing sports, or simply enjoying summer days outside while reading a book or listening to music. Whatever activity it might be, the problem is the sun ruins hair. For example, the highlights that people get from the sun are the signs that the hair shafts have been damaged and they could not hold pigmentation, so the hair strands lost the original color.

Well, what should a person do? Stay inside? No, there are a lot of other ways to avoid sun damage. Here are a few ways to shield the hair:

1.    Wear a hat. There is an endless variety of hats offered at the market today. They will satisfy a need of any person whether it is a child, a teenager, a woman, or a man. A hat is the best protection for hair in summer time. If the hair is long, it is necessary to try and hide all of it: try putting it up under the hat or wear a wide-brimmed hat that gives shade to shoulders and shields the hair all the way down. Bandannas have become popular lately, so if a hat is not your style, a bandanna might work out just fine. Sometimes a long thin scarf would work in the same way: search Internet or fashion magazines for the ideas on how to tie it in different ways.
2.    Put up your hair. It has already been mentioned in the previous point that the hair should be put up in summer whether the person is wearing a hat or not. The best variants will be a French twist, a chignon, or a simple bun. These styles reduce the area of hair that gets exposed to the sun.
3.    Use a conditioner every time after washing hair. It works as a barrier against the sun. It can be anything starting from the plainest conditioner in a store and going all the way to deep conditioning in a hair styling salon. Oils also work as conditioners for hair: jojoba oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, olive oil, coconut oil and others provide good protection for hair. Many of them are relatively cheap for the wonderful effect they do: while sun dries the hair, oils go deeply into the follicles, moisturize and restore the strands while enriching them with essential vitamins.
4.    Remember about sunscreen. Some sunscreen products come in sprays, but if you have a lotion, mix one teaspoon of it with one half a cup of water and keep the mixture in a spray bottle. Use it on your hair every couple hours while being exposed to the sun, for example, being at the beach. Some hair styling products contain protection ingredients, so they help keeping hair healthy in summer.
5.    Deal with the damage. Even with some care it is normal that hair gets damaged. Sun, salt from the sea water, and wind dries it out, makes it fragile and weak. Find the cosmetic products that moisturize restore and lubricate hair. Choose the shampoos that have

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